Software Engineering: Petri Nets

This'll be a sort of abridged summary of the topic, any more information you might need, I recommend you try the book (name in bottom of the post).

The circles are states in the domain.
With the arrows pointing to where the process is going
And the thin rectangles the transitions between states 
Petri Nets are basically a diagram to help us visualize the process and how it flows in a domain.

In this chapter we talk about three types of representations:

  1. Condition Event Nets (CEN)
  2. Petri Nets (PTN)
  3. Colored Petri Nets (CPN)

Condition Event Nets are the most basic type of Petri nets. A CEN consists of conditions (states), events (transitions) and links (arrows) from conditions to events and from events to conditions. Syntactically conditions are represented as circles, while events are represented as oblong, i.e., "thin",

Petri Nets are pretty much the same as CENs but conditions are now called places and in those places are labels with a positive integer called the capacity. This indicates the maximum number of
tokens that may be assigned to that place. The capacity may be omitted, which is interpreted as unlimited capacity. The capacity tells us what is the required to transition between places.

Colored Petri Nets are an extension of PTNs: A type-value system for tokens is now introduced. The term colored refers to the fact that tokens are now distinguishable in that they have a value, called their color, which is of a particular type, called their color set. A color set may define both simple and composite values.

Book used for this topic: Dines Bjørner, Software Engineering, Vol 2, Springer, 2006. (short SE-V2)


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